Flipnote Artist Wiki
Tiggy 001

T!ggy in color Fans 100+ Stars 80000+ (on old account) Views 20000+

T!ggy (id: lion-leo) Is a flipnote artist commonly refered to as Tiggy. He is know as TiggyTy in ever site accept Flipnote Hatena. He has acheived 100+ fans, over 80000 stars (on his old account), And over 20000 views. Though not very popular he is bursting with enthusiasim and imagination. He has befriended many other popular hatenians such as Zenshii, JO£ , and Niffian. He is a resident of the east coast of the USA. (quote) "My main goal is to be rank 10 worldwide!". He has reached rank 94, but he still says he knows if he tries, he can achieve his large goal

His flipnote hatena account

His deviantART account
